If you’re managing a WordPress website, you might occasionally need to delete posts based on categories or tags. This can be useful for clearing outdated content or organizing your posts more effectively. In this article, we’ll explain different methods for deleting posts based on categories or tags, with one of the simplest solutions being the WP Reset plugin.

1. Manually Deleting Posts Based on Category or Tag

If you only need to delete a few posts based on a specific category or tag, you can do this manually from the WordPress dashboard.


  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to the Posts section: Click on “Posts” from the left-hand menu.
  3. Filter by Category or Tag:
    • To filter by category, click on “Categories” at the top of the posts list, and choose the category you want.
    • To filter by tag, click “Tags” at the top of the posts list and choose the tag.
  4. Select Posts: You will see a list of posts related to the selected category or tag. Select the posts you want to delete by checking the box next to each post.
  5. Bulk Actions: In the “Bulk Actions” dropdown menu, select “Move to Trash” and click “Apply”.
  6. Empty Trash: Finally, go to the “Trash” section and click “Empty Trash” to permanently delete the posts.

This method is easy for a small number of posts, but if you have many posts to delete, it can be time-consuming.

2. Using WP Reset to Delete and Reset Content

WP reset

For a more efficient way to delete posts based on categories or tags, especially when you have a large number, you can use the WP Reset plugin. WP Reset is a powerful tool designed to reset WordPress websites, and it offers various options to delete content, including posts, categories, tags, and even custom post types.

Features of WP Reset:

  • Delete Posts by Category or Tag: WP Reset allows you to delete posts based on categories or tags with just a few clicks.
  • Easy Reset: It helps reset your site’s content without affecting its settings, theme, or plugins.
  • Undo Changes: If you accidentally delete something important, WP Reset has an “undo” feature that lets you restore content easily.
  • Speed: It’s much faster than manually deleting posts one by one.

How to Use WP Reset:

  1. Install WP Reset: Go to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard, search for “WP Reset,” and install it.
  2. Activate the Plugin: After installation, click “Activate”.
  3. Choose Reset Options: In the WP Reset settings, you can choose to delete posts by category, tag, or even custom fields.
  4. Perform the Reset: After choosing the options, click on “Reset” to delete the posts as per your selection.

WP Reset is a great choice if you need to clean up your WordPress site quickly and efficiently.

3. Using SQL Queries (Advanced)

rewriterule featured

If you are comfortable with using the database, you can run SQL queries directly to delete posts based on categories or tags. This method is more advanced and requires caution. Incorrect queries can damage your website.

Here’s an example SQL query to delete posts by category:

FROM wp_posts p
JOIN wp_term_relationships tr ON p.ID = tr.object_id
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id
JOIN wp_terms t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id
WHERE t.name = 'Category Name' AND p.post_type = 'post';

Replace “Category Name” with the category or tag you want to target. Be sure to back up your database before running any SQL queries.


1. Can I recover deleted posts?

Yes, if you use the manual method, deleted posts go to the “Trash”. You can restore them from there. With WP Reset, it also offers an undo feature for deleted content.

2. Does WP Reset delete everything on my site?

No, WP Reset only deletes content like posts, pages, and comments. It does not affect your themes, plugins, or site settings unless you choose to reset the entire website.

3. Is WP Reset free?

WP Reset has a free version with basic features. For more advanced features, like deleting posts based on categories or tags, you might need to purchase the pro version.

4. How do I delete posts without affecting my site design?

You can use WP Reset to delete posts without impacting your site’s theme or design. The plugin ensures your settings and design stay intact.

5. How can I delete posts in bulk?

Both manual methods and WP Reset allow you to delete posts in bulk. WP Reset is especially efficient for large websites.


Deleting posts based on categories or tags can help you clean up your WordPress website and keep it organized. While you can do it manually, using a plugin like WP Reset makes the process much quicker and more efficient, especially if you have a lot of posts to delete. If you’re looking for a simple and effective way to reset or delete content, WP Reset is a reliable option. Just remember to back up your site before making major changes!